About Us

Varang Information Technologies is a global technology consulting, IT staffing and recruiting firm. We specialize in assisting our clients with highly focused short and long term technology initiatives and using a combination of US based, offshore and onsite resources.

Varang has created a unique model of operating efficiency allowing us to pass significant cost savings to our clients and meet requirements in a cost effective and expedient manner. We work closely with our customers to ensure we provide customer support, development, sourcing and recruiting services using our technical expertise to help businesses accomplish business needs and find IT talent that best matches customer need. Our capability spans a wide range of services including staff augmentation for technology projects , direct placement services, comprehensive technical workforce management, training solutions and outsourced application development.

At Varang, we listen carefully to what our clients tell us about problems that are stifling business and breaking the budget. They are faced with challenges such as:

  • Underperforming technology, staffing and/or operations
  • Unsupported or at-capacity software
  • Business units lagging in technology innovation
  • Lack of time, talent and/or budget resources to initiate change
  • Pressure to demonstrate value/ROI

We understand the situation, because we’ve been there. Varang enters every engagement with an elite team that “gets” business processes and the technology behind them. Our professionals have deep domain knowledge and technical expertise, priming Varang to deliver sustainable IT solutions Solutions that:

  • Improve efficiency, performance and productivity
  • Reduce software total cost of ownership
  • Accelerate technology innovation and time to market
  • Achieve operational and strategic objectives
  • Contribute measurable value to the organization

Varang's "fit for purpose" software solutions, Training and staffing services position our clients to achieve more profitable operations and strategic growth