Java Application

Java Development Support Services

Specialists in Developing Top Quality Systems

Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) is the specification for a standard architecture to execute application components. Software components and services created primarily in the Java programming language are defined within this architecture. Java EE is widely used and is relevant to a broad variety of applications.

Varang has years of expertise in object-oriented technology and the Java platform. We team up with our Java-certified specialists to develop complex and customer-specific software applications based on Java SE (Java Standard Edition) and Java EE.

 You receive Java EE conforming software systems that satisfy the most exacting requirements and you profit from our experience with application servers like WebLogic, WebSphere and JBoss.

 We are your partner for

  • Consulting and Implementation
  • Migration

We specialise in

  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Web services
  • EJB, Servlets, JSP
  • JSF
  • JMS
  • Java Security
  • XML technologies