
Services for SAP HANA

Your organization wants to capitalize on SAP HANA technology to react immediately to ever changing global market conditions, but isn't sure how to get started. Varang will help you leverage SAP HANA’s maximum potential to optimize your business.

SAP HANA Rapid Deployment

The SAP HANA Rapid Deployment is a short duration service to upgrade SAP BW to focused on deploying SAP HANA by upgrading SAP BW. This service includes quick assessment of current environment and planning for SAP HANA migration.

  • Review current SAP BW environment
  • Upgrade from SAP BW 3.x or BW7.0 to SAP BW 7.3.
  • Conversion from SAP BW 7.3 to SAP HANA.
  • Migrate and Transform BW objects to HANA.
  • Accelerate existing report execution in HANA.

SAP BW & ERP  powered by SAP HANA Implementation

Unlock the power of in-memory business intelligence technology without any disruption to your business; SAP BW & ERP  powered by SAP HANA accelerates your access to analytical insights and large volumes of detailed information. The consists of:

Preparation  : Define scope and project plan.
Blueprinting : Define SAP HANA Technical architecture and installation of SAP HANA hardware/software.
Realization   : Upgrade software from BW 7.x to 7.3, and convert database from 7.3 to SAP HANA and SAP HANA environment.
Go Live & Support : Production validation (system and data) and Knowledge transfer to your support personnel.